In this uncertain time, the wellbeing of our clients, partners and team is of the utmost importance. That’s why we’ve taken steps to protect our employees and ensure that business operations run smoothly as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop.
In accordance with recommendations from the CDC, Athenium Analytics has temporarily closed all three offices and transitioned to teleworking. We’ve also stopped all non-essential travel. However, none of these changes will affect the day-to-day operations of our products. It’s business as usual for our team.
We understand the inclination toward anxiety during such a chaotic time, but we are here to answer any questions, concerns or issues you have regarding our products and operations.
To contact a representative, call your account manager, email our sales staff or simply use the contact page on our website. We will be sure to reach out directly with any other news or updates that are relevant to our customers and partners.
For those of you who have recently transitioned to work-from-home (WFH) status, you may still be getting acclimated to online-only office hours. Many of us have partners that also WFH – and some will also be sharing space with children and pets. Here are 5 tips you can follow to optimize your WFH experience:
- Create a dedicated, comfortable workspace and keep it free from distractions. Try not to mix workspace and home space. It’s OK to throw some laundry in while you’re waiting on a project but minimize as many distractions as possible.
- Maintain regular hours and in-person routines. Set expectations with your coworkers on when you’ll be available but be careful to maintain your personal time. At the office, you get up for drinks and snacks and to talk to coworkers – do the same at home.
- Prioritize your day. Your most efficient part of the day is often the early morning. Review your must-do’s and create a plan to tackle the day ahead. What needs to get done versus what can wait? Set your to-do list and deadlines accordingly.
- Overcommunicate with colleagues. Schedule calls with your boss, direct reports and closest team members to keep everyone in the loop. Use online communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype and Facetime as much as possible.
- Create or keep a schedule. Shower, get dressed (at least in clean pajamas!) and have breakfast. Commuting is often an important time to transition between work and home. Find another way make this transition at home.
Be well and stay healthy.